What Is Included In A Seasonal HVAC Tune Up?


If you own a home, you probably already know that it is important to properly care for your HVAC system. It is one of the most essential systems in your home in terms of creating a comfortable, healthy space for you and your family to live.

Part of caring for your system involves getting a seasonal HVAC tune up. Keep reading to discover more about what exactly one of these tune-ups usually entails. As you read through the information, remember that every company is a little bit different. In general, however, all of them will perform at least some of these steps.

1. Inspecting the electrical system. When the technician arrives at your home, one of the first things that they will do is look at the wiring for your HVAC unit. This includes checking all electrical contact points for signs of corrosion or other issues. The wires are closely inspected, looking for burn marks, fraying, or other issues that could point to an underlying problem. Addressing any electrical problems is extremely important, not only in terms of protecting your system but also ensuring that it is safe to use.

2. Making sure the thermostat is properly calibrated. The technician will check to make sure that the reading on the thermostat is accurate and that the unit is calibrated correctly so that it runs the way that you want it to, depending on how warm or cool you plan on keeping your home.

3. Checking the filters. Whether the technician is evaluating your furnace or your air conditioner, they will check to make sure that the filters are clean. If your unit uses disposable filters, they will usually install new ones. If it has a permanent filter, they will typically clean it to make sure that it is ready to go for the season.

4. Cleaning the unit. Over time, dirt and debris can build up inside of your HVAC system, keeping it from operating as efficiently as it should. For instance, excess dust in your furnace can bog down the blower motor, forcing it to work harder to heat your home. This can cause your equipment to wear out more quickly. Having your system cleaned at least once a year is the best way to keep problems like these from occurring.

5. Lubricating moving parts. Any moving parts in the system need to be lubricated at least once a season. If the parts are unable to move freely, the system has to work a lot harder. This can cause a lot of wear and tear on specific parts or on the entire system, which could lead to costly repairs. Properly lubricating all of the moving parts can extend the life of your system while at the same time boosting efficiency.

This should give you a better idea of what is included in a seasonal HVAC tune up. Try to schedule your tune-up during a time when local HVAC companies aren’t too busy. If you put it off until the last minute, you may wind up having to wait quite a while for an appointment if your preferred company is already booked.

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